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Monday, August 01, 2011

They're flying away...

I have tried not to think about what is happening in our family tomorrow. But now it is weighing heavy on my mind. Part of our family is leaving and taking part of my heart with them. I love the Gaineses. They are creative, smart, fun to be around and they have two beautiful daughters, Anna and Eliza. The thought of not being able to just bop over and see them now is so very hard to imagine. Connecticut is gaining through our loss. They will have more room to spread their wings and see another part of the world. I don't begrudge them that. And we will be able to chat online which is very nice. But the hugs are what I'll be missing...and seeing Toni's amazing quilts in person. Ben takes such good care of his family that I know they will prosper and be happy. Good luck and by the way, Happy Birthday Ben.

1 comment:

Jancisco said...

I can imagine how sad it is to see them go. They are going to love it there though!

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