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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Top 5 Reasons Why Being Grandma is the Best

Reason Number One:
Having a cute grandpa to go with to the balmy South Padre Island

Reason Number 2
Having adorable grandchildren and watching them open presents on Christmas morning

Number 3
Being the guest at a scrumptious prime rib Christmas Feast.

Number 4
Seeing your grandchildren play in the imaginative and creative environments produced by their parents.

Number 5

While others are doing this:

Grandma gets to do this:


Bus Gillespie said...

Great stuff!

Jancisco said...

Seems like that roller coaster was going faster than the video showed. . .

We love having you for a grandma too! It's a win-win.

hosander said...

I can't wait until I can be a grandma!

Diana said...

Wow. Seeing that roller coaster movie, made me a little quesey just imagining being on it. Good times! But, I still have a very vivid memory of my grandma going on a roller coaster with me when she was in her 70's--the NY NY one in Vegas. SO, you've got many years to go Grandma Soup

Dorothy said...

Awesome! Good choice on the roller coaster options.

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