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Monday, September 24, 2007

I know I'm a cry baby. I accept that. But why is it that every year when I walk into the stadium to watch the marching band and hear their initial yell and see them looking so sharp in their formed lines and their uniforms do I start to sob? It is so embarrassing. I hope I can control it somewhat this year though because I will be helping take the percussion equipment in before the show. Maybe that distraction will help...
Is there any hope for me?


hosander said...

doesn't sound like it.

Beetle said...

No, not likely.

C said...

Hauling percussion stuff around will suck the tears, and everything else for that matter, right out of you. Or at least change the reason for the tears...

Thaddeus said...

Mom, it's sweet of you to cry. You'll probably get over it once your babies leave band, but enjoy while you can.

And you should not have to lift things.

Bus Gillespie said...

Luckily you never make it to the end of a movie or you would be dehydrated.

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